Almond Meal Crusted Chicken Salad
Today was the best mid-week day of the year (thus far) because is was a SNOW DAY! As a teacher, I treasure my snow days! After sleeping...

Chinese 5 Spice Cod & Sesami Shirataki Noodles
Today was long. Like, bone-tiring, flat-out-exhausted, long. By time the time I finished work, tutoring and my workout (legs day, aka,...

Mardi Gras My Way With Macros Friendly Jambalaya
Okay y'all, I LOVE miracle noodles. Like, I may have a slight obsession with them. In this recipe I used the miracle rice and it worked...

That Soup You Didn't Know That You Wanted To Know: Pork and Hominy Posole
Poso...what? That was my first thought after getting my Raw Spice Bar packet of the month. Turns out, it is the most savory, delicious...

Adventures With Ramen
Do you ever wake up on a random Tuesday morning and think to yourself "I want to learn how to make Ramen"? I did. Is it bad that the...